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Website Members

There are several levels of website membership on the Musical Museum website. Whichever of the following applies to you, please sign up for Website Membership (which is distinct from Museum Membership; see below). 

Museum Supporter

Museum Supporters are website visitors who have signed up as website members. 

There is no charge and Museum Supporters have access to some content that a casual visitor can't see.

Museum Volunteer

Museum Volunteers have agreed to give their skills, experience and time to perform various roles crucial to the Museum's operation. Roles include Museum Receptionist; Tour Guide; Instrument Curation, conservation and repair; and Piano roll librarian and archivist.

Volunteers have access to all content including specific website pages relevant to their volunteering.

Museum Member

Museum Members pay a fee and have free access to visit the Musical Museum (and the nearby London Museum of Water and Steam) at any time. They also participate in the governance of the museum. Museum Members enjoy privileged access to content others cannot reach.

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